Sushant Singh Rajput, whose demise on June 14, 2020 left fans and the entertainment world heartbroken, remains one of Bollywood’s most unique stars. His last theatrical release was the 2019 movie ‘Chhichhore’. Recently, Sushant’s ‘Chhichhore’ co-star Prateik Babbar shared a memory of him, recounting how Sushant expressed a desire to take a solo trip to Antarctica after their shoot.
In a recent interview with Filmygyan, Prateik shared this memory from the set of ‘Chhichhore’. Although he wasn’t very close to Sushant, he recalled feeling his “immense aura” on set. He shared a moment when they were both waiting to shoot a basketball scene, sitting together beneath the hoop. The actor shared, “Woh thoda hatke tha,” and added his wish to go alone to Antarctica. Prateik remembered Sushant saying, “Yaar, main na Antarctica ja raha hoon shoot ke baad” (He said he was planning to go to Antarctica after the shoot).
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In 2019, Sushant shared a list of his 50 dreams on social media. Some of his aspirations included learning how to fly a plane, training for the Iron Man triathlon, playing a cricket match left-handed, and helping kids learn about space. Sadly, Sushant could only complete 13 of his 50 bucket list goals before his untimely passing.
Directed by Nitesh Tiwari, ‘Chhichhore’ also starred Shraddha Kapoor, Varun Sharma, Naveen Polishetty, and Tahir Raj Bhasin in key roles. On the work front, Sushant Singh Rajput’s final appearance was in Mukesh Chhabra’s directorial debut ‘Dil Bechara’ in 2020, where he starred alongside Sanjana Sanghi. The film was released on an OTT platform.