Bollywood’s legendary villain Prem Chopra, who is best known for his unforgettable dialogue in the film ‘Bobby’ – “Prem naam hai mera, Prem Chopra”, recently opened up about working with 4 generations of the Kapoor clan.
During the chat show ‘The Invincibles Season 2’ with host and actor-filmmaker Arbaaz Khan, Prem Chopra said, “Prithviraj Kapoor ke saath pehle kaam kiya, he was a great actor, great personality.Uske baad Raj Kapoor ke saath kaam kiya, uske baad Shammi Kapoor ke saath kaam kiya, uske baad Shashi Kapoor. Fir Chimpu Kapoor, Chintu Kapoor, Dabboo Kapoor. Unki biwiya bhi, Neetu Singh aur Babita. Ab unke baache ke saath. Ab Kareena Kapoor aur Ranbir Kapoor ke saath bhi kaam kar liya.“
In response to being asked that he now just needs to work with Ranbir and Kareena’s children, Prem jokingly said, “Maine woh unse (RK) se kaha.”
He also shared a humorous story about a train journey, saying that every station had fans forcing the fast train to stop so he could mouth his famous dialogue.
The veteran actor recalled, “People got to know that I was in this train. Even though it was a fast train, they had to stop it at every station because every station had so much crowd and they requested me to say this dialogue at every station. They said the crowd won’t let the train move so please say this dialogue at every station. This went on through the train journey.”
On the work front, Prem Chopra was last seen in the Ranbir Kapoor-led 2023 action-drama ‘Animal’. He portrayed the character of Ranvijay’s granduncle Dalbir Dodamal Singh in the Sandeep Reddy Vanga directorial.
During the chat show ‘The Invincibles Season 2’ with host and actor-filmmaker Arbaaz Khan, Prem Chopra said, “Prithviraj Kapoor ke saath pehle kaam kiya, he was a great actor, great personality.Uske baad Raj Kapoor ke saath kaam kiya, uske baad Shammi Kapoor ke saath kaam kiya, uske baad Shashi Kapoor. Fir Chimpu Kapoor, Chintu Kapoor, Dabboo Kapoor. Unki biwiya bhi, Neetu Singh aur Babita. Ab unke baache ke saath. Ab Kareena Kapoor aur Ranbir Kapoor ke saath bhi kaam kar liya.“
In response to being asked that he now just needs to work with Ranbir and Kareena’s children, Prem jokingly said, “Maine woh unse (RK) se kaha.”
He also shared a humorous story about a train journey, saying that every station had fans forcing the fast train to stop so he could mouth his famous dialogue.
The veteran actor recalled, “People got to know that I was in this train. Even though it was a fast train, they had to stop it at every station because every station had so much crowd and they requested me to say this dialogue at every station. They said the crowd won’t let the train move so please say this dialogue at every station. This went on through the train journey.”
On the work front, Prem Chopra was last seen in the Ranbir Kapoor-led 2023 action-drama ‘Animal’. He portrayed the character of Ranvijay’s granduncle Dalbir Dodamal Singh in the Sandeep Reddy Vanga directorial.
Here’s what happened when Sharman Joshi told Prem Chopra that he wanted to marry his daughter