Priyanka Chopra often shares a glimpse of her day-to-day life as an actor and a working mother through her Instagram posts. The actor is currently shooting for The Bluff in Australia. On Thursday, Priyanka dropped a set of pictures from her life lately, which included a reunion with Nick Jonas, and some more pictures of her family for a quick picnic. She also shared a picture of her new injury while shooting for The Bluff. (Also read: Priyanka Chopra gives glimpses of The Bluff sets in new video: Injuries, meeting fans to fun times with daughter Malti)
Priyanka’s new Instagram post
Nick Jonas featured in the very first picture, as he held her close and smiled. Priyanka opted for a form-fitting dress and black shades, while Nick wore a white shirt and trousers. A second picture saw Nick and Malti meeting her favorite characters from the animated series Paw Patrol. There were also snaps from what looked like a small family outing, which included her mother Madhu Chopra. “These days (butterfly and red lips emoticons),” she wrote in the caption.
Meanwhile, Priyanka also flaunted the injury marks on her legs that she suffered on the sets of her new film The Bluff. A video had Priyanka showing a red mark below her knee. Another video had a close-up of her feet, where someone else was seen rubbing garlic cloves below her feet. A fan asked, “What does the garlic cloves do for the feet?” Priyanka replied, “Helps with inflammation and fever.”
More details
This is not the first injury that the actor had while shooting for the project. Recently, Priyanka shared a glimpse of her neck injury while filming for The Bluff. In a series of updates, she revealed a photograph of a bruise just below her throat. “Oh the professional hazards on my jobs,” she wrote in the caption.
Directed by Frank E Flowers, The Bluff is set in the 19th-century Caribbean and follows the story of a former female pirate, played by Priyanka, who must protect her family when the sins of her past catch up to her. Produced by Russo Brothers’ banner AGBO Studios and Amazon MGM Studios, the film promises to be a thrilling adventure.