Priyanka Chopra, who is currently gearing up for the shoot of her next Hollywood film ‘The Bluff’ in Australia, has been sharing endearing updates on her social media account for fans. Priyanka’s daughter Malti Marie and hubby Nick Jonas have also joined her for the shoot. Recently, Priyanka posted a video of Malti Marie humming while she gets ready for the shoot.
The actress shared a heartfelt video on her Instagram handle, capturing special moments with her family.The video starts with Priyanka in a car, offering a glimpse of ‘The Bluff’ sets. It then shows Nick and Priyanka’s adorable moment, wherein Priyanka’s hand is gently placed on Malti during their car ride. The video also shows Nick playing with Malti and taking her shopping. In one picture, Malti Marie is seen enjoying herself on the beach. The video concludes with a sweet moment of Malti Marie humming as Priyanka records. The caption read, “Bits and pieces (hand heart emoji) #thebluff (pirate flag emoji).”
The actress shared a heartfelt video on her Instagram handle, capturing special moments with her family.The video starts with Priyanka in a car, offering a glimpse of ‘The Bluff’ sets. It then shows Nick and Priyanka’s adorable moment, wherein Priyanka’s hand is gently placed on Malti during their car ride. The video also shows Nick playing with Malti and taking her shopping. In one picture, Malti Marie is seen enjoying herself on the beach. The video concludes with a sweet moment of Malti Marie humming as Priyanka records. The caption read, “Bits and pieces (hand heart emoji) #thebluff (pirate flag emoji).”
As soon as the video was shared, fans flooded the post with adorable reactions. One fan commented, “I think she will have a great singing voice; her ‘maaa maaaam’ was so cute and filled my heart with joy.” Another fan wrote, “OMG, she sounds so good, just like her dad.”
‘The Bluff’ is an upcoming American swashbuckler drama film co-written by Frank E Flowers and Joe Ballarini, with Flowers also directing. The film stars Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Karl Urban, Ismael Cruz Córdova, Safia Oakley-Green, and Vedanten Naidoo. As for her Bollywood ventures, the actress is yet to begin work on Farhan Akhtar’s directorial ‘Jee Le Zaraa’, co-starring Katrina Kaif and Alia Bhatt.