Priyanka Chopra, who was in Mumbai till yesterday to attend a makeup brand launch event, has now flown back to the US. In the wee hours of today, the diva was spotted at the airport, looking stunning in stylish, but comfy airport wear, consisting of a loose jacket, trousers and cap. She even clicked pics with the paps and spoke to them, just before leaving. Take a look…
Earlier, Priyanka wore a glittering dress that made heads turn as she posed elegantly for the paparazzi.She accessorized her attire with diamond earrings and completed her look with glam makeup, loose waves and a high ponytail. The actress struck her trademark namaste pose to wrap up her photo-op.Netizens were genuinely impressed by Priyanka’s endearing exchange with a fan. In a video that went viral on social media, Priyanka is seen signing her autograph on a fan’s shirt, making the day even more memorable for the lucky admirer.
Priyanka is reportedly in Mumbai for a makeup brand event. Despite being the festival’s chairman, she will not be attending the MAMI Film Festival this year. She had earlier posted a video to Instagram where she stood near the iconic Gateway of India, looking stunning in a sky-blue blazer and matching skirt. Priyanka captioned the video, which was taken from the balcony of her Taj Mahal Hotel apartment, “My favourite getaway… #Gateway.”
On the work front, Priyanka is busy with the shooting for the second season of her global streaming series ‘Citadel’. She is all set to reprise her role as Nadia in the second season. The actress recently wrapped up filming ‘The Bluff’, directed by Frank E. Flowers. The film is set in the 19th-century Caribbean, where Priyanka will be portraying the character of a former pirate protecting her family from her past. Starring alongside Karl Urban, the movie promises to be an exciting adventure. Apart from ‘The Bluff’, Priyanka will also feature in ‘Heads of State’, co-starring with John Cena and Idris Elba.