Radhika Madan has once again captured the hearts of her fans, this time with a viral video from her Vande Bharat train journey. The actress was spotted traveling from Surat to Mumbai, and the video of her arrival at Borivali station has quickly gained traction on social media. In the clip, Radhika is seen in a stylish yellow outfit paired with charming sunglasses.
On the professional front, Radhika made her film debut with Vishal Bhardwaj‘s drama ‘Pataakha,’ followed by films like ‘Mard Ko Dard Nahi Hota,’ ‘Angrezi Medium,’ and ‘Shiddat.’ She has been enjoying a successful period in her career and has recently received positive responses for her role in the web series ‘Saas, Bahu Aur Flamingo,’ directed by Homi Adajania.
The series follows the story of Savitri, the matriarch of a massive cartel in the lawless Borderlands, who initiates a battle for succession in a murky world of drugs and violence. Radhika’s portrayal of Shanta in the series has been particularly well-received, showcasing her talent and versatility as an actress.
On the professional front, Radhika made her film debut with Vishal Bhardwaj‘s drama ‘Pataakha,’ followed by films like ‘Mard Ko Dard Nahi Hota,’ ‘Angrezi Medium,’ and ‘Shiddat.’ She has been enjoying a successful period in her career and has recently received positive responses for her role in the web series ‘Saas, Bahu Aur Flamingo,’ directed by Homi Adajania.
The series follows the story of Savitri, the matriarch of a massive cartel in the lawless Borderlands, who initiates a battle for succession in a murky world of drugs and violence. Radhika’s portrayal of Shanta in the series has been particularly well-received, showcasing her talent and versatility as an actress.
‘Angrezi Medium’ actress Radhika Madan shows off her elegance in traditional attire, gets spotted at the airport