Radhika Merchant, the stunning bride-to-be, graced her haldi ceremony in an ensemble that left everyone spellbound. For the ritual, Radhika chose a vibrant yellow lehenga, a creation by Anamika Khanna. The lehenga flowed gracefully, its intricate embroidery catching the light like dewdrops on petals. But it was her ethereal floral dupatta that elevated her look to a breathtaking sight.It was intricately woven out of jasmine buds with a vibrant yellow marigold hem.
Celebrity stylist Rhea Kapoor, the mastermind behind Radhika’s captivating look, shared glimpses of the ceremony on social media. The images captured Radhika’s grace, her laughter echoing through the lens. In one frame, she elegantly sat against a peachy backdrop, showcasing her dupatta. In another, she stood against a backdrop of flowers, their vibrant colours mirroring the joy in her eyes.
Interestingly, Rhea Kapoor had also sported a similar standout veil for her own dreamy wedding in August 2021. The film producer and stylist had paired her stunning ivory saree with a veil crafted using thousands of little pearls, a vintage creation by Birdhichand Ghanshyamdas.
Coming back to Radhika, she served yet another dreamy look for the garba celebration. Radhika slipped into a salmon pink lehenga choli—a softer hue, yet equally captivating. The floral theme continued, with delicate blooms embroidered along the hem.
On Friday, July 12, the auspicious Shubh Vivah or wedding function will be hosted. On Saturday, July 13, the guests will witness the Shubh Aashirwad ceremony. The grand finale, Mangal Utsav or the wedding reception, is planned for Sunday, July 14.
Celebrity stylist Rhea Kapoor, the mastermind behind Radhika’s captivating look, shared glimpses of the ceremony on social media. The images captured Radhika’s grace, her laughter echoing through the lens. In one frame, she elegantly sat against a peachy backdrop, showcasing her dupatta. In another, she stood against a backdrop of flowers, their vibrant colours mirroring the joy in her eyes.
Interestingly, Rhea Kapoor had also sported a similar standout veil for her own dreamy wedding in August 2021. The film producer and stylist had paired her stunning ivory saree with a veil crafted using thousands of little pearls, a vintage creation by Birdhichand Ghanshyamdas.
Coming back to Radhika, she served yet another dreamy look for the garba celebration. Radhika slipped into a salmon pink lehenga choli—a softer hue, yet equally captivating. The floral theme continued, with delicate blooms embroidered along the hem.
On Friday, July 12, the auspicious Shubh Vivah or wedding function will be hosted. On Saturday, July 13, the guests will witness the Shubh Aashirwad ceremony. The grand finale, Mangal Utsav or the wedding reception, is planned for Sunday, July 14.