Actor couple Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt, along with their family members–Neetu Kapoor, Mahesh Bhatt and Soni Razdan stepped out on Friday night. All of them celebrated Soni’s birthday at a restaurant in Mumbai. Pooja Bhatt and Shaheen Bhatt also joined them for the party. (Also Read | Alia Bhatt says Riddhima Kapoor is even a bigger gossiper than Ranbir Kapoor)
Ranbir showers love on Mahesh
Before exiting the restaurant, Ranbir was seen planting a kiss on Mahesh’s head. They had a brief conversation, posed for the paparazzi and Mahesh left. The rest of the family members were seen posing for the paparazzi.
Ranbir gets angry at paparazzi
As Alia Bhatt and Ranbir walked towards their car, the latter got angry at the paparazzi. He asked the paparazzi, “Kya karrahe ho aap log (What are you guys doing)?” The actor then pulled a paparazzo away from his car.
Who wore what to the party
For the outing, Ranbir and Neetu wore in a white T-shirt, matching pants and a green beanie. Alia was seen in a pink and black outfit. Shaheen, Pooja and Mahesh twinned in all black outfits.
Alia and Shaheen’s posts for Soni
Earlier in the day, Alia and Shaheen Bhatt extended heartfelt birthday wishes for Soni. Taking to Instagram, Alia shared a couple of pictures with her mom and called her the “centre of our universe” in her special birthday wish. Alia wrote in the caption, “The centre of our universe – happy birthday, mothership.” Soni Razdan responded to her post in the comment section, saying, “Thank you, my sweetheart. It takes a centre to know a centre, and you both are mine and always have been.”
Shaheen also took to her Instagram and wished her mother on her special day. She posted a string of pictures with her mother and captioned them with a sweet message for her. “Happy Birthday to my mother from another mother, my bro, my vacation buddy, my favourite resident weirdo, and maker of the best scrambled eggs on earth…I love you @sonirazdan,” she wrote.
Ranbir and Ali’s films
Fans will see Ranbir alongside Alia and Vicky Kaushal in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s upcoming project, Love And War. The film will be out in theatres on March 20, 2026. He also has Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayana along with Sai Pallavi and others. Apart from Love And War, Alia also has Alpha. A spy universe film directed by Shiv Rawail, it also stars Sharvari Wagh. The film is set to release on December 2025.