Superstar Ranveer Singh recently made headlines when he was spotted drenched in haldi at the Ambani-Merchant haldi ceremony. The image, which quickly went viral, had fans buzzing with excitement as it reminded them of his iconic portrayal of Khilji and more so, reminds us of his memorable scene from his blockbuster film, Padmaavat. The scene in reference features Ranveer Singh’s character, Alauddin Khilji, smearing his face with Holi colours in a sinister display of his eccentricity and unpredictability.
This striking resemblance between the real-life moment and the iconic film scene sparked a wave of nostalgia among fans, who couldn’t help but draw parallels. However, what many may not know is that the unforgettable moment in Padmaavat was a result of Ranveer Singh’s creative input.
Here’s why Khilji scene became iconic
A source close to the project shared an interesting behind-the-scenes story, saying, “The team was thinking what to do differently with the scene and Ranveer specifically because Khilji is unpredictable and lonely as a character. That’s when Ranveer came up with a very unique characterisation in the absence of having anybody to play Holi with and his longing for Padmaavati, he smears his face with Gulaal in the tray, holding onto a sinister expression. It was an improvisational thought and the maestro Sanjay sir loved the thought which he incorporated into the film. That’s how the scene came to be and became an iconic scene.”
This is yet another anecdote of Ranveer Singh’s dedication to his craft and his ability to bring a unique touch to his characters. His portrayal of Alauddin Khilji in Padmaavat remains one of his most celebrated performances, with the Holi colour scene being one of the most memorable and visually striking moments in the film – an iconic one.
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