As per a News18 report, Naga Chaitanya reportedly has a net worth of Rs 154 crores. His career has been marked by a series of successful films, and he continues to be one of the most sought-after actors in the industry. On the other hand, Sobhita Dhulipala, who has made a mark with her versatile performances in both films and web series, has a net worth estimated to be between Rs 7 and 10 crores, according to Lifestyle Asia and Asianet News. Her rise in the entertainment world has been swift, and she is recognized for her unique choices of roles and the ultimate fashion diva.
Together, the couple’s combined net worth is a whopping Rs 164 crores, making them one of the wealthiest power couples in the industry.
The engagement took place in an intimate ceremony at Naga Chaitanya’s luxurious mansion in Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad, valued at Rs 45 crores. The couple kept the event private, attended only by close family and friends, ensuring that it was a personal and meaningful celebration. The announcement of their engagement was made by none other than Chaitanya’s father, the legendary actor Nagarjuna Akkineni, who took to his social media to share the joyous news.
Interestingly, Nagarjuna himself is a formidable figure in the South Indian film industry, with a net worth of Rs 3,100 crores, making him the richest actor in the region.