Riddhima Kapoor Sahni recently delighted her followers by sharing glimpses from her family’s getaway to Switzerland. The series of photos she posted captured heartwarming moments, with one showing her beaming alongside her mother, Neetu Singh, husband, and daughter Samara, evidently enjoying their time together amidst the scenic Swiss backdrop.
In another snapshot, Riddhima captured a perfect moment in a selfie featuring herself, Neetu, and Samara, captioning as ‘Three Generations‘ with love-filled emojis.The caption not only highlighted her close bond but also underscored the joy they experienced during their vacation.
In the photos, Riddhima looks stylish in a black sporty outfit with brown shades, while her mother opts for a casual look. Her husband and daughter Samara also look cool in their outfits for the day out.
The pictures have surely captivated the attention of fans and followers and have showered them with love and admiration.
In another snapshot, Riddhima captured a perfect moment in a selfie featuring herself, Neetu, and Samara, captioning as ‘Three Generations‘ with love-filled emojis.The caption not only highlighted her close bond but also underscored the joy they experienced during their vacation.
In the photos, Riddhima looks stylish in a black sporty outfit with brown shades, while her mother opts for a casual look. Her husband and daughter Samara also look cool in their outfits for the day out.
The pictures have surely captivated the attention of fans and followers and have showered them with love and admiration.
When late Rishi Kapoor yelled at ‘bartender’ Salman Khan at Riddhima Kapoor’s wedding