Saif Ali Khan on Tuesday said his co-actor Jr NTR roped him to be part of the upcoming pan-India film Devara because of his performance in the 2006 critically-acclaimed movie Omkara. Billed as a high-octane action drama set in the forgotten coastal lands of India, Devara is directed by Koratala Siva. (Also Read | Devara Part 1 trailer: Jr NTR, Saif Ali Khan, Janhvi Kapoor film tells a tale of power and fear)
Sif, whose role of Langda Tyagi in Omkara is considered a landmark in his career, is excited to be part of a film, which, he said, feels like a debut in a new kind of cinema. “I was really excited when they offered me a movie made in Andhra in the South industry, they’ve given us so many incredible movies. I think the future is going to be collaborations between North and South and pan-Indian kind of scenario.”
“The whole thing happened because Tarak (Jr NTR) and Siva wanted me in it. I think they had seen Omkara and remembered it. I have to thank Vishal Bharadwaj ji (director of Omkara) for that,” Saif told reporters at the trailer launch of Devara.
The actor, known for his nuanced performances in Ek Hasina Thi, Being Cyrus, OTT series Sacred Games, and Tanhaji, said he thoroughly enjoyed playing his part of Bhaira in Devara. “It was a very interesting character. There is a young version and an old version, crazy make-up. I would not call it an anti-hero but a straight antagonist. It is like a debut in a new kind of cinema, cutting-edge Indian cinema. So, it is great for me to be here,” he said.
The actor said he still remembers his nervousness while giving his first shot while speaking in Telugu in the movie. “I had sweat running down my back. I felt very nervous in a very different way. We come from the same country but our states are completely different to one another, going down there was a very exciting experience. It was very kind of Tarak NTR ji and Siva ji to want me in the movie.
“Because movies made in the South recently are mind-blowing, to get a chance to act in a film like this and try to do that, I felt like a newcomer. I’m excited because I’ve spoken the language, it is a new language for me. I loved the movie and I loved what I did in it also,” the actor said.
Saif also thanked Jr NTR for being “patient” with him while he would say his dialogues in Telugu.
Janhvi said she had so much fun working on the movie that she would love to team up with Jr NTR again. Siva said Janhvi and Jr NTR’s pairing looks good together. “Down south people feel that after NTR and Sridevi, it’s Jr NTR and Janhvi,” the director said, adding that he was nervous as the film marks his debut in Hindi.
The film, which also stars Jahnvi Kapoor, is presented by filmmaker Karan Johar in north Indian territories through his banner Dharma Productions. Devara is produced by Yuvasudha Arts and NTR Arts, and presented by Nandamuri Kalyana Ram. It is set to arrive in theatres on September 27.