Salman Khan was recently seen stepping out from his residence in Bandra. The actor was spotted wearing a grey t-shirt, denim jeans, and a cap, as his staff drove him away in a blue Range Rover. As the vehicle came out, Salman Khan waved to the fans gathered outside his house. The actor’s heartwarming gesture sent his fans into a frenzy.
Salman’s outing comes after the recent revelations about the threats he and his family have allegedly received from the Lawrence Bishnoi gang.The actor recorded his statement last month, regarding the house firing case, stating that the gang had been trying to kill him. He also mentioned advising his family to remain vigilant after the April firing incident.
Despite these threats and security concerns, Salman Khan was seen celebrating his rumoured girlfriend Iulia Vantur’s birthday last week along with their close friends. Salman and Iulia, who have long been rumored to be in a relationship, sparked new speculation about their bond with their recent appearance together.
A picture of the duo along with musicians Himesh Reshammiya and Mika Singh has gone viral on the internet lately. The candid picture further accelerated the rumours of Salman dating lulia. Though there have been speculations of Salman and lulia dating each other for several years now, and they have also been papped together several times, neither of them has publicly announced or confirmed their relationship.
Salman’s outing comes after the recent revelations about the threats he and his family have allegedly received from the Lawrence Bishnoi gang.The actor recorded his statement last month, regarding the house firing case, stating that the gang had been trying to kill him. He also mentioned advising his family to remain vigilant after the April firing incident.
Despite these threats and security concerns, Salman Khan was seen celebrating his rumoured girlfriend Iulia Vantur’s birthday last week along with their close friends. Salman and Iulia, who have long been rumored to be in a relationship, sparked new speculation about their bond with their recent appearance together.
A picture of the duo along with musicians Himesh Reshammiya and Mika Singh has gone viral on the internet lately. The candid picture further accelerated the rumours of Salman dating lulia. Though there have been speculations of Salman and lulia dating each other for several years now, and they have also been papped together several times, neither of them has publicly announced or confirmed their relationship.
Inside Iulia Vantur’s Birthday: Mika Singh, Sajid Khan Get Hugs & Kisses From Salman Khan; Share Exclusive Snaps From The Bash
On the work front, Salman Khan was last seen in ‘Tiger 3’. He will be next seen in AR Murugadoss’ action thriller Sikandar, wherein he will be seen sharing screen space with Rashmika Mandanna for the first time.