Actor Samantha Ruth Prabhu, who shot to fame in the 2010s with her films in Telugu and Tamil, and subsequently ventured into Bollywood, recently discussed the importance of eating healthy foods on her podcast, Take20. Hours after the episode was released online, an internet user pointed out that while Samantha was talking about healthy eating habits now, she has endorsed unhealthy food and beverage brands in the past.
The comment seemingly hit Samantha hard. Responding to it, she wrote, “I have made mistakes in the past when I did not know any better, but I have stopped accepting many endorsements. I believe in practicing what I preach.”
Also Read: Samantha Ruth Prabhu said she was ‘forced to go public about’ myositis: Given a choice, I wouldn’t have announced it
Afflicted with myositis—a rare autoimmune condition that results in inflammation of muscles—Samantha, who took a six-month break from work to focus on her health last year, tells us that she has made health and fitness an integral part of her lifestyle and she intends to inspiring those in her zone of influence to lead healthy lifestyles.
“Given how much I have learned, it is hard to now unsee things that I might have not been aware of earlier. Whether it is my choice of food or brands, my entire ethos is now focused on a healthy life,” shares Samantha, who was diagnosed with myositis in 2022.
Also Read: Samantha Ruth Prabhu among the top 100 viewed Indian stars of the decade: I still feel like I’m just getting started
Samantha further says that it is time for her “to do what is right” and with that, “do better”. The actor, who returned to the silver screen in 2023 with the film Kushi alongside Vijay Deverakonda, elaborates, “While my choices may seem less than ideal to most, since brands do have a commercial impact on us, I am working towards ensuring that I now align with only those brands that are equally committed to life and well-being. I do my research and try to use the products myself before I endorse them.”