Bollywood star Sara Ali Khan’s journey in Bollywood so far is a rollercoaster. While a lion’s portion of her films receives rave reviews, a few like ‘Love Aaj Kal’ have also received extreme criticism. The actress recently stated that not receiving appreciation for her work, definitely takes a toll on her. She also recalled how she asked the director of ‘Atrangi Re’ to cast Alia Bhatt instead.
In an interview with Mid-Day, Alia Bhatt said that after the failure of ‘Love Aaj Kal’, when she was offered ‘Atrangi Re’, she asked the director Aanand L Rai whether he would want to approach Alia Bhatt instead.
She reminisced about calling director Aanand L Rai and telling him ‘Atrangi Re has a great script, and the character is outstanding, so whether he wants Alia Bhatt to play the role. “Are you sure you don’t want to call Alia Bhatt (to do the role instead)?”Sara asked.
Sara also admitted that she told so as she was nervous about whether or not she would be able to pull off the character. She also acknowledged that doing the role helped her pick herself up, and bounce back.
Sara also stated that she takes full responsibility for the fact that she didn’t deliver as expected with ‘Love Aaj Kal’. Calling the film a mistake, she said, “I take full responsibility for the fact that I didn’t deliver. Nevertheless, it really helped me. It could have been easy for me to go off-track. After the success of Kedarnath and Simmba, one more box-office success and I could have gone daamadol. You never know. I take full responsibility for the fact that I didn’t deliver. Nevertheless, it really helped me. It could have been easy for me to go off-track. After the success of Kedarnath and Simmba, one more box-office success and I could have gone daamadol.”
On the work front, Sara Ali Khan was last seen in ‘Ae Watan Mere Watan’.
In an interview with Mid-Day, Alia Bhatt said that after the failure of ‘Love Aaj Kal’, when she was offered ‘Atrangi Re’, she asked the director Aanand L Rai whether he would want to approach Alia Bhatt instead.
She reminisced about calling director Aanand L Rai and telling him ‘Atrangi Re has a great script, and the character is outstanding, so whether he wants Alia Bhatt to play the role. “Are you sure you don’t want to call Alia Bhatt (to do the role instead)?”Sara asked.
Sara also admitted that she told so as she was nervous about whether or not she would be able to pull off the character. She also acknowledged that doing the role helped her pick herself up, and bounce back.
Sara also stated that she takes full responsibility for the fact that she didn’t deliver as expected with ‘Love Aaj Kal’. Calling the film a mistake, she said, “I take full responsibility for the fact that I didn’t deliver. Nevertheless, it really helped me. It could have been easy for me to go off-track. After the success of Kedarnath and Simmba, one more box-office success and I could have gone daamadol. You never know. I take full responsibility for the fact that I didn’t deliver. Nevertheless, it really helped me. It could have been easy for me to go off-track. After the success of Kedarnath and Simmba, one more box-office success and I could have gone daamadol.”
On the work front, Sara Ali Khan was last seen in ‘Ae Watan Mere Watan’.