Actor Akshay Kumar unveiled Maar Udi, the first song from his upcoming film Sarfira, a remake of Soorari Pottru. Akshay posted the song on X on Monday. The track started with Akshay getting thrown out of a science fair even as he pleads. Paresh Rawal’s voice is heard in the background, saying, “This business of aviation isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.” (Also Read | Sarfira trailer: Akshay Kumar will do anything to start ‘India’s first low-cost airline’ with ₹1 ticket for aam aadmi)
Sarfira first song Maar Udi
A flashback in the song showed Akshay protesting along with a huge crowd. As the video progresses, Akshay’s character is seen working hard to achieve his goal. The clip shows him standing in front of a Deccan Airline plane. The actor’s character runs, fights, and travels to meet his goals. He also works dedicatedly with his team.
Speaking on an FM station, he said, “I want to break the caste barrier for the common people, not only the coast barrier.” Paresh Rawal and Radhika Madan are also seen in the song. Akshay posted the video with the caption, “Dil hai yeh bawra, ladne se kaha daraa (The heart is crazy, when has it ever been scared to fight)…”
He also wrote, “When life throws a challenge, just look it in the eye and #MaarUdi !! Song out now : It’s time to be #Sarfira. See you in theatres. July 12.”
About Sarfira
Directed by national award winner Sudha Kongara, known for her critically acclaimed works like Irudhi Suttru and Soorarai Pottru, the film promises to deliver a compelling narrative set against the backdrop of India’s startup culture and aviation industry.
Sarfira trailer
The trailer of Sarfira showed Akshay in a role that has captivated audiences, portraying an underdog determined to challenge socio-economic barriers and make flying accessible to all. The narrative follows his character’s journey from debt-ridden beginnings to visionary entrepreneurship, navigating obstacles with resilience and innovation. “Sarfira is not just a film; it’s an ode to the dreams that keep us awake,” remarked Akshay in an Instagram post unveiling the trailer.
More about Sarfira
Akshay’s performance has received praise. Suriya, who makes a guest appearance in the film, expressed his gratitude on social media. He also shared his admiration for Akshay’s dedication to bringing this inspiring story to the screen. Scheduled for release on July 12, Sarfira also features Seema Biswas. The film’s music, composed by GV Prakash Kumar, complements its theme of ambition and perseverance.