The trailer of the Telugu film Saripodhaa Sanivaaram (Isn’t Saturday enough?), unveiled at Sudharshan 35mm in Hyderabad on Tuesday evening amid packed crowds, promises an action-packed entertainer. This will be director Vivek Athreya’s first action entertainer and has him collaborating with Nani for the second time following the family drama Ante Sundaraniki. The story, set in a fictional village named Sokulapalem, features Nani as Surya, who has the knack of unleashing his anger on Saturdays and taking on antisocial elements. In the film, scheduled to be released in theatres on August 29, he takes on the ruthless circle inspector Daya, played by SJ Suryah. Priyanka Arul Mohan is cast as a cop in the same police station.
Saripodhaa Sanivaaram is produced by DVV Entertainments and stars Sai Kumar in a pivotal role. With music by Jakes Bejoy, the film has action choreography by Ram Laxman and Real Satish, cinematography by Murali G and art direction by GM Shekhar.