The trailer of actor Dhyan Sreenivasan’s upcoming Malayalam film, Secret, was released by the makers today. Written and directed by Malayalam writer and screenwriter S N Swamy in his directorial debut, the film is set to release in theatres soon.
In the trailer, Dhyan’s character is told to be someone who gets premonitions that predict the ill-fate of others, something that drives a wedge in his everyday life. The trailer promises a thriller story without revealing too much about the plot.
Secret also features Aparna Das, Jacob Gregory, Kalesh Ramanand, Ardara Mohan, Ranjith, Renji Panicker, Jayakrishnan, Suresh Kumar, Abhiram Radhakrishnan, Manikuttan, Dilshana, and Tandoor Krishna.
With music scored by Jakes Bejoy, the film has cinematography by Jackson Johnson and editing by Basod T Baburaj. Secret is produced by Rajendra Prasad under the banner of Lakshmi Parvathy Vision.