Speaking with Arbaaz Khan on his chat show The Invincibles, Shabana Azmi was asked about her husband Javed Akhtar’s split with Salim Khan. To which, she responded, “Till today, I do not know why Salim-Javed split. I did not get involved since I thought it was a personal decision. But I think what was happening was that he (Javed) was going through some change. He had started writing poetry, he was moving into another kind of world. I don’t know what happened and why they ever split. But I do know he was a happier person having taken this huge risk. There is no merit or demerit from my end.”
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Earlier this year, Javed Akhtar shed some light on their separation, clarifying that it wasn’t due to financial or credit issues. He told Mojo Story, “We did not fight, there was no issue about credit, there was never any issue about money, there was nothing. We just grew apart. One realized that the relationship was no longer there, that we now don’t sit together in the evening, we have our own set of friends. Gradually that happened, and the rapport weakened, and it was reflecting on our work also.”
Beyond their numerous hits, Salim-Javed were instrumental in establishing Amitabh Bachchan‘s stardom following Zanjeer. Salim Khan had conceived the ‘Angry Young Man’ persona for Bachchan, and the duo often crafted scripts with him in mind, insisting that filmmakers cast him in the lead role. This collaboration significantly contributed to Bachchan’s rise as a megastar.