Bollywood’s King Khan, Shah Rukh Khan, and Vicky Kaushal took everyone on an unmissable laughter ride with their on-stage camaraderie during a recent award show as hosts. Shah Rukh revealed that he had rejected almost every big film in the world of cinema, including Allu Arjun’s ‘Pushpa: The Rise’ and Aamir Khan’s much-discussed movie ‘Laal Singh Chaddha’. He also made a witty remark about Salman Khan’s wristband and declining offers from the makers of ‘Avengers’.
SRK quipped that apart from Indian films, he even received offers from Hollywood’s biggest projects. Co-host Vicky curiously asked whether he was offered a role in the superhero movie ‘Avengers’ from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Without hesitation, SRK replied that he didn’t accept the offer. He joked, ‘The infinity gauntlet stone is in Salman’s wrist (the bracelet). But he just doesn’t give it to me! I have asked him several times, saying, bhai, give it to me, but he always says no!’ King Khan playfully trolled his brother Salman Khan with this witty remark.
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Vicky further asked about Steven Spielberg’s ‘Jurassic Park,’ to which SRK replied, ‘It would have been awkward if I told the dinosaur, “palat, palat, palat.”’ The crowd couldn’t stop laughing.
The ‘Masaan’ actor also asked why he didn’t take on the role of Spider-Man, to which SRK humorously replied that the character wears a mask in the movie, and if he took the role, his dimples would’ve been hidden.
Shah Rukh also grooved to some iconic songs, including Allu Arjun’s ‘Pushpa’ movie song ‘Oo Antava’ and ‘Mere Mehboob Mere Sanam’ from ‘Duplicate.’
Shah Rukh is currently busy shooting for his next film, ‘King,’ directed by Sujoy Ghosh. The movie will also feature his daughter, Suhana Khan, appearing with him for the first time.