Actor Shekhar Suman seems to be shopping for cars with his family. He recently added a brand-new Audi Q8 e-tron premium SUV to his collection. Recently, new pictures have surfaced on the internet, showing Shekhar Suman receiving his brand-new Mercedes-Benz. This time, it’s a convertible instead of an EV. Shekhar has purchased a CLE Cabriolet Mercedes-Benz.
AutoHangar, an authorized Mercedes-Benz dealer in Mumbai, has shared the photos.Shekhar Suman and his family can be seen standing next to their new vehicle in the pictures. The actor is seen taking delivery of the Cabriolet. Going by the pictures, the star seems to have had the convertible delivered to his Mumbai residence.
The CLE was officially unveiled globally in July, and the launch for the same happened in India earlier this month. In India, the CLE is only available as a convertible. Shekhar Suman bought the CLE Cabriolet in a shade of black, which looks extremely elegant.
Shekhar is the owner of a few more high-end vehicles in addition to the recently purchased CLE Cabriolet. Shekhar made the decision to surprise his wife with a brand-new BMW i7 luxury automobile on their wedding anniversary last year. A few months prior, Shekhar Suman was spotted presenting his actor son Adhyayan Suman with a brand-new Audi Q8 e-tron electric SUV.
On the work front, Shekhar Suman was last seen in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s web series ‘Heeramandi’.
AutoHangar, an authorized Mercedes-Benz dealer in Mumbai, has shared the photos.Shekhar Suman and his family can be seen standing next to their new vehicle in the pictures. The actor is seen taking delivery of the Cabriolet. Going by the pictures, the star seems to have had the convertible delivered to his Mumbai residence.
The CLE was officially unveiled globally in July, and the launch for the same happened in India earlier this month. In India, the CLE is only available as a convertible. Shekhar Suman bought the CLE Cabriolet in a shade of black, which looks extremely elegant.
Shekhar is the owner of a few more high-end vehicles in addition to the recently purchased CLE Cabriolet. Shekhar made the decision to surprise his wife with a brand-new BMW i7 luxury automobile on their wedding anniversary last year. A few months prior, Shekhar Suman was spotted presenting his actor son Adhyayan Suman with a brand-new Audi Q8 e-tron electric SUV.
On the work front, Shekhar Suman was last seen in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s web series ‘Heeramandi’.
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