Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao starrer Stree 2, directed by Amar Kaushik and written by Niren Bhatt, has had a glorious run at the box office. It has broken multiple records since the day of its release, be it the highest grossing premiere, to highest grossing film in second-third-fourth-fifth weeks. It has already become the highest grossing Hindi film of all time, beating Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan. The film is hoping to enter the 600 crore club, but is facing significant resistance.
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Since its release, Stree 2 has been decimating everything around it, be it films like Vedaa and Khel Khel Mein, which released on the same day, to films which released before it and after it. But one thing that has slowed down its journey to Rs 600 crore club, is its release on OTT, at the end of 8 week run at the box office. Also since the release of Stree 2, no other big film was released, and most of the audience had already seen the film and are no in the mood to watch something repeated.
Stree 2’s current box office stands at Rs 597.51 crore , on its 10th Friday, it earned just Rs 3 lakh and on Saturday its collection jumped to Rs 10 lakh. But it still needs nearly Rs 2.5 crore to cross Rs 600 crore mark and with the release of Singham Again and Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 on 1st November, the golden prize looks unlikely.
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Stree 2 also features Abhishek Banerjee, Aparshakti Khurrana, and Pankaj Tripathi, with special appearances by Varun Dhawan, Akshay Kumar, and Tamannaah Bhatia. The makers are considering a spin-off focused on Shraddha Kapoor’s character, exploring the backstory of her life and her relationship with Stree.