Amplifying the original Telugu version is Sobhita Dhulipala, who has voiced Deepika’s character of Sumathi in the movie. Telugu being her mother tongue, Sobhita’s nuanced voice adds depth to the film’s narrative, highlighting her multifaceted talent. Expressing gratitude for the opportunity, Shobhita took to her Instagram story on Monday morning to seemingly confirm it. She shared a screenshot of the credit roll where she received a special mention. The actress expressed her gratitude to director Nag Ashwin and wrote ‘Sweetest’ with a heart emoji.
Kalki 2898 AD Makes Rs 298 5 CR In Just 2 Days: Unveil The SECRET Behind Telugu Blockbuster
Kalki 2898 AD transports viewers hundreds of years into the future, blending elements of the Mahabharata with a futuristic setting. Deepika Padukone takes on a complex role as SUM-80, a pregnant test subject caught in a brewing conflict, while the legendary Amitabh Bachchan brings gravitas to the film as Ashwatthama, a character inspired from the Mahabharata.