Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal’s wedding was a big hit in Bollywood. Both of them chose a simple wedding instead of a grand celebration and then gave a reception party at a restaurant in Mumbai. The actress’s wedding took place in the presence of family and close friends, but many famous and famous people of Bollywood attended the reception. Recently, Sonakshi Sinha shared a video on her Instagram story and showed a glimpse of her married life. She has also praised her husband Zaheer Iqbal and called him the greenest flag.
Sonakshi praises her husband
In the video shared by Sonakshi Sinha, you can see that Sonakshi Sinha is walking in a mall without slippers. She shot the video from behind and her husband could be seen walking right in front of her. Sonakshi’s husband has picked up her high heels in his hands. He is walking with her in his hands without any hesitation. Sharing this video, Sonakshi Sinha wrote in the caption, ‘When you marry the greenest flag.’
Watch the video here:
People’s reaction
Now after watching this video, everyone is praising Sonakshi Sinha’s husband. One person wrote, ‘Zaheer takes so much care of Sonakshi Sinha.’ At the same time, another person wrote, ‘This is really a green flag.’ Many people are trolling the actress and saying that she could have picked up the slippers herself. Several others wrote that picking up slippers does not make someone a green flag.
The wedding day
Let us tell you, on June 23, Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal registered their marriage in the presence of family members and then performed some rituals. The family members and close friends of both the stars were present with them on every special occasion. Everyone had a lot of fun at this wedding celebrations, glimpses of which have also come out.