While Sonakshi opted for a white chikankari saree for her wedding in the morning, her evening look was a benarasi red saree with sindoor, red bangles.The actress looked gorgeous and had a blast with every guest at her wedding. A video of Sonakshi dancing with Anil Kapoor has gone viral. The actress can be seen doing Kapoor’s signature step with him from ‘My Name Is Lakhan’ while the ‘dhol’ played. She later hugged him and was seen holding his hand and thanking him for coming. She was also seen sharing a candid moment with Rekha.
Sonakshi was also seen getting emotional as she met Kajol who absolutely loved her red saree look. Many other celebs like Rekha, Saira Banu, Salman Khan, among others were seen arriving at Sonakshi’s reception to bless the newly wed couple.
Sonakshi’s ‘Heeramandi’ co-stars Aditi Rao Hydari, Sharmin Segal and Richa Chadha were also spotted apart from her BFF Huma Qureshi.
While sharing the first pictures as husband and wife, Sonakshi revealed that June 23 was the day they got into a relationship, 7 years ago and hence they also married on the same day.