Recently on The Great Indian Kapil Show, actor Sonakshi Sinha had claimed “mujhe kitne zor se shaadi karni hai”. And as it turns out, her manifestation seems to be coming true sooner than one would have expected. Sinha has been dating actor Zaheer Iqbal for over two years, and the couple seems to be set to tie the knot this month.
A source close to the affair confirms that the “wedding rumours are all true”. We have learnt that the big day is on June 23. The celebrations would be at the South Mumbai eatery, Bastian. The source shares, “There will be a celebration on June 22 as well at their family home in Juhu. Only close friends and family are invited for this function. The wedding will take place on the morning of June 23 while the reception will take place at night.”
“The soon-to-be bride and groom have the blessings of their families. The wedding is going to be an intimate affair, with only the couple’s families and close friends in attendance. Sonkashi doesn’t want to give out much details of her wedding before it happens and wants to keep it just in her close circle. Many of her actor friends will also be marking their presence to be a part of the most special day for the couple,” the source shares.
Sinha and Iqbal reportedly met each other at a party hosted by actor Salman Khan. They instantly clicked and built a friendship that later blossomed into a romance. The couple worked together in Double XL (2022), and often indulge in social media PDA. They even made public appearances at events together but never made their relationship official. The source adds, “The wedding planning was on for a while but Sonakshi and Zaheer were waiting for the elections to end. Sonakshi’s father (actor-MP) Shatrughan Sinha was busy as he was contesting from Asansol, West Bengal from TMC party. He emerged victorious at the constituency so now the wedding will be a double celebration as it comes following his victory.”