The popular anime series Spy x Family is set to return for a third season, as announced during the SPY x FAMILY Anime Extra Mission event in Japan. The official series accounts confirmed that production for the new season is underway, accompanied by a “super teaser visual” featuring characters Anya and Bond.
At the time of the announcement, no specific release date or details about additional staff or cast members were provided. The key visual was created by series character designer Kazuaki Shimada and art director Yuni Yoshida.
The eponymous manga series by Tatsuya Endo, began serialization in Shonen Jump+ in March 2019. To date, 13 volumes have been published in Japan, with an English version released by VIZ Media.
Both seasons of the Spy x Family anime, totaling 37 episodes, are available for streaming on Crunchyroll. The series follows the story of secret agent Twilight, who must pose as a family man to complete his mission, unaware that his wife is an assassin and his adopted daughter is a telepath.
The first season of the Spy x Family aired from April to October 2022. The second season followed in October 2023. The series has been produced by CloverWorks and WIT Studio, with Kazuhiro Furuhashi directing the first season and Takahiro Harada joining as co-director for the second season.
In addition to the television series, the franchise expanded with the release of Spy x Family Code: White, an anime movie directed by Takashi Katagiri. The film, featuring an original story by Tatsuya Endo and a screenplay by Ichiro Okouchi, premiered in Japan in December 2023 and was originally scheduled for international release on Crunchyroll in April 2024.