Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao‘s Stree 2 has set a new record by becoming the first film to surpass Rs 100 crore nett in its second weekend. The film’s performance on its second Sunday even outdid that of Gadar 2 – The Katha Continues. Directed by Amar Kaushik and featuring Aparshakti Khurrana, Abhishek Banerjee, and Pankaj Tripathi, along with special appearances by Varun Dhawan and Tamannaah Bhatia, Stree 2 has crossed Rs 400 crore nett in just 12 days since its release.
The significant growth on Sunday was also helped by night shows maintaining strong attendance due to the Janmashtami holiday. This second weekend success shows how much the box office has evolved, as crossing the Rs 100 crore nett mark for a second weekend is now achievable, whereas it used to be a challenge before the pandemic.
According to Sacnilk, Stree 2 is expected to earn Rs 17 crore on Monday, with an overall 29 percent occupancy in theatres, bringing its total box office collection to Rs 401.55 crore.
The significant growth on Sunday was also helped by night shows maintaining strong attendance due to the Janmashtami holiday. This second weekend success shows how much the box office has evolved, as crossing the Rs 100 crore nett mark for a second weekend is now achievable, whereas it used to be a challenge before the pandemic.
According to Sacnilk, Stree 2 is expected to earn Rs 17 crore on Monday, with an overall 29 percent occupancy in theatres, bringing its total box office collection to Rs 401.55 crore.
Stree 2 Success Bash: Tamannaah & Shraddha Steal the Show with Their Killer Moves
The film is on track to reach the Rs 500 crore nett milestone, but Tuesday will be crucial. The movie has had a favorable run so far, starting with a holiday release, followed by a weekend boost, Raksha Bandhan, and now Janmashtami. As the film settles into lower weekday numbers on Tuesday, those figures will be key in determining its long-term success. With September offering little competition, Stree 2 is likely to continue its strong box office performance, but all eyes are on how it fares on Tuesday.