Mumbai: Stree 2 came and conquered. The film has been creating history each day and within 4 days of its release, it has earned Rs 300 crore at the box office. Every actor in Stree 2 has done a phenomenal job, including the Sarkata, many are curious to know who played the role of Sarkata in the film, as Rajkummar’s character explained in the film, Amitabh Bachchan pe Aamir Khan lagaalo, tab jaake Sarkata Banta hai.
As Sarkata ka Aatank is creating waves at the box office, meet the star who played this role. The picture of a 7.7-foot tall actor is going viral on social media along with Rajkummar Rao and Tamannah Bhatia who play the role of Shama a dancer in the film.
The man known as The Great Khali Of Jammu, who entered the field as a wrestler is named Sunil Kumar. The man is reportedly working as a constable right now at Jammu and Kashmir police station.
As digging upon his Instagram, he is seen posing with several actors for his films including Rajkummar and Tamannaah for Stree 2.