New Delhi: Actor Ashish Dixit, who plays Kartik in Sun Neo’s Chhathi Maiyya Ki Bitiya, took his co-star Brinda Dahal, who plays …
Brinda Dahal
Jaya Bhattacharya Reflects On Childhood Janmashtami Traditions And Current Celebrations | Television News Filmymeet
by Arun Kumarby Arun KumarJanmashtami, the festival celebrating Lord Krishna’s birth, holds deep significance for actress Jaya Bhattacharya, known for her role as Urmila in Sun …
Independence Day 2024: Chhathi Maiyya Ki Bitiya Actress Brinda Dahal Who Hails From Nepal, Says ‘My Heart Beats for India’ | Television News Filmymeet
by Arun Kumarby Arun KumarNew Delhi: As India prepares to celebrate its 78th Independence Day, the spirit of patriotism and unity is felt across the nation. …