Neon has unveiled the first teaser for The Monkey, directed by Osgood Perkins, known for his recent hit Longlegs. The teaser gives us a chilling preview of the horror film, set to hit theaters on February 21, 2025.
The brief clip features Theo James in a disturbing scene where a toy monkey’s snare drum, played in a carnival-style tune, is splattered with blood, reflecting a grisly turn of events. James stars in the film alongside Tatiana Maslany, Elijah Wood, Christian Convery, Colin O’Brien, Rohan Campbell, and Sarah Levy.
The Monkey centers on twins Bill and Hal, both portrayed by James, who uncover their father’s old monkey toy in the attic. Their discovery triggers a series of gruesome deaths. The film is an adaptation of Stephen King’s 1980 short story of the same name, with Perkins handling both writing and directing duties. The project is produced by Dave Caplan, Michael Clear, Chris Ferguson, Brian Kavanaugh-Jones, and James Wan.
Perkins, who recently achieved significant success with Longlegs, described The Monkey as having a comedic edge compared to his previous works. “It’s feeling more like an old John Landis movie or a Joe Dante movie or a Robert Zemeckis movie,” Perkins said. He explained that the film approaches the theme of death with a wry, absurdist perspective, blending tragedy with comedy.
The filmmaker added that his take on the haunted toy subgenre aims for a tone that diverges from traditional horror, embracing a more surreal and comedic approach. “To me, it rang utterly false to approach it seriously, so I just went in the other direction,” Perkins remarked.