Universal Pictures’ highly anticipated animated film The Wild Robot is set to hit theaters across India on October 18. Adapted from Peter Brown’s best-selling novel, the film is directed by three-time Academy Award nominee Chris Sanders and boasts an impressive voice cast, including Lupita Nyong’o, Pedro Pascal, Catherine O’Hara, Bill Nighy, Kit Connor, Mark Hamill, and Stephanie Hsu.
The Wild Robot follows Roz, short for ROZZUM Unit 7134, a robot stranded on an uninhabited island. Voiced by Lupita Nyong’o, Roz embarks on a journey of survival and transformation as she bonds with the island’s wildlife. Her discovery of a goose egg leads her to care for the hatchling, marking the beginning of her evolution from machine to caretaker. The film explores themes of empathy, kindness, and adaptation to change, all set against the backdrop of a lush, natural environment.
Nyong’o shared her thoughts on the emotional depth of the story, noting, “The message of The Wild Robot is that kindness is an innate quality we should hone, and there’s value in staying true to yourself while embracing change.”
The film’s stunning animation and a score composed by Academy Award winner Kris Bowers promise to bring the beloved novel to life in an unforgettable way. Pascal, who voices Fink, praised director Chris Sanders, saying, “I’ve seen a lot of Chris’ movies, and I’ll embarrassingly admit that, as a grown adult, I once wished for my birthday to see How to Train Your Dragon on IMAX. Birthdays aren’t my thing, but that was my excuse to indulge. I know how essential Chris is in creating entire worlds and infusing performances with color. He was an incredible guide, sometimes even running through scenes to help me find my way. He’s not just thinking about the character’s roots but also about bringing them to life authentically.”
Published – September 25, 2024 03:23 pm IST