Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Wala Video‘ has now completed day 20 of its run at the box office. The movie which is a comedy starring Rajkummar Rao, Triptii Dimri was expected to have a mass appeal but it did not meet those expectations and get better numbers in two-tier, three-tier cities. From this week onwards on Monday, it started seeing a drastic fall, after having a growth on Sunday.
On Monday and Tuesday, it made Rs 45 lakh each and now on Wednesday, which is day 20, the movie clocked in Rs 40 lakh. Thus, the total collection so far is Rs 41.50 crore, according to Sacnilk. Clearly, the film will not fizzle out more since the advance bookings of ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3‘ and ‘Singham Again‘ have begun. Both these films release on November 1 and Diwali will clearly be dominated by these. The advance bookings also look decent so far.
Meanwhile, ‘Vicky Vidya…’ had released alongside Alia Bhatt’s ‘Jigra‘ which had even low numbers. It was a niche multiplex film, hence, obviously, Vicky Vidya which was more on the massy side, got better numbers. ‘Jigra’ made Rs 21 lakh on Wednesday and the film’s total collection so far is Rs 31.71 crore.
While ‘Vicky Vidya…’ may end up with a lifetime collection of between Rs 42-45 crore, ‘Jigra’ may end its run in the range of Rs 32-33 crore.