There was a time when the pair of Juhi Chawla and Shah Rukh Khan used to rock the big screen. People liked the pair so much that almost every film that these actors came together for, used to have a good box office run. Apart from the film, both of them are also partners in business for many years. Everyone knows that Juhi and Shah Rukh are co-owners of the Indian Premier League team Kolkata Knight Riders. Both know many things about each other and recently, an example of this has also been seen.
Juhi Chawla consoled SRK after his car was taken away
In an event organised by the Gujarat Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Juhi Chawla shared an interesting anecdote from the early days of SRK’s career. Juhi said that Shahrukh used to have a black gypsy and he was not able to pay its EMI, due to which his car was taken away. After this incident, he reached the sets of the film disappointed. Then Juhi consoled him and said that there was no need to worry. “One day we will have many cars, I said to Shah Rukh and the best part is that he still remembers this,” said the senior actor.
Shah Rukh Khan used to eat with the crew members
Juhi also said during the program that SRK did not have a house in Mumbai back then. He used to mingle with the crew members of the film. He used to drink tea with them and eat with them. Juhi further added that back in those days, he used to work in two to three shifts. In one shift, he used to go to the sets of ‘Raju Ban Gaya Gentleman’ with Juhi and in the rest, he used to work in ‘Dil Aashna Hai’ and ‘Deewana’.
Let us tell you that Juhi and Shahrukh have worked in many films including ‘Darr’, ‘Duplicate’, ‘Ram Jaane’, ‘Yes Boss’ ‘Phir Bhi Dil Hai Hindustani’ and ‘One Two Ka Four’.
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