In 2023, Shraddha Kapoor made her return to the big screen after a three-year break with the film ‘Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar‘, following her last appearance in ‘Baaghi 3’ in 2020. During the promotions, she playfully suggested an exciting idea—a crossover between ‘Aashiqui 2’ and ‘Rockstar‘, imagining a collaboration between directors Mohit Suri and Imtiaz Ali.
As ‘Aashiqui 2’ was approaching its 10th anniversary while Shraddha was busy promoting ‘Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar’, she fondly recalled the film’s impact.Her crossover idea seemed to blend the emotional depth of ‘Aashiqui 2’ with the intense, rebellious energy of ‘Rockstar’, creating a fascinating vision of both films coming together.
In a past interview with Firstpost, Shraddha was asked about the trend of cinematic universes, such as the spy, cop, and horror-comedy universes. When the idea of a crossover between Jordan from ‘Rockstar’ and Aarohi from ‘Aashiqui 2’ was mentioned, Shraddha responded playfully, “It’s amazing. But imagine getting Imtiaz Ali and Mohit Suri to co-direct. We should tell them this idea!”
On the professional front, Shraddha Kapoor has been receiving widespread praise for her role in ‘Stree 2‘, co-starring Rajkummar Rao. This horror-comedy, which is part of the Maddock Films supernatural universe, has smashed box office records. Other films in this universe include ‘Munjya’ and ‘Bhediya’. Directed by Amar Kaushik, ‘Stree 2’ has already been confirmed for a third installment, with production on the next part set to begin soon.
As ‘Aashiqui 2’ was approaching its 10th anniversary while Shraddha was busy promoting ‘Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar’, she fondly recalled the film’s impact.Her crossover idea seemed to blend the emotional depth of ‘Aashiqui 2’ with the intense, rebellious energy of ‘Rockstar’, creating a fascinating vision of both films coming together.
In a past interview with Firstpost, Shraddha was asked about the trend of cinematic universes, such as the spy, cop, and horror-comedy universes. When the idea of a crossover between Jordan from ‘Rockstar’ and Aarohi from ‘Aashiqui 2’ was mentioned, Shraddha responded playfully, “It’s amazing. But imagine getting Imtiaz Ali and Mohit Suri to co-direct. We should tell them this idea!”
On the professional front, Shraddha Kapoor has been receiving widespread praise for her role in ‘Stree 2‘, co-starring Rajkummar Rao. This horror-comedy, which is part of the Maddock Films supernatural universe, has smashed box office records. Other films in this universe include ‘Munjya’ and ‘Bhediya’. Directed by Amar Kaushik, ‘Stree 2’ has already been confirmed for a third installment, with production on the next part set to begin soon.