Nana Patekar’s performance in Vidhu Vinod Chopra’s Parinda is considered by many as one of the actor’s finest in his career. But all was not so smooth for both of them during the shoot of the film, as Vidhu Vinod Chopra revealed during a recent appearance on the singing reality show Sa Re Ga Ma Pa, as per a report by Indian Express. Check out why he admitted totearing Nana Patekar’s shirt during the shot. (Also read: Nana Patekar reveals the reason for his fallout with Sanjay Leela Bhansali on the set of Khamoshi)
What Vidhu Vinod Chopra said
Vidhu said, “I’d seen Nana in a play called Purush, and it’s very important to say this, but those days, I never used to curse. I was a very well-behaved young man from Kashmir. But it all changed because of Nana. When I’d direct him in a scene, he’d hurl abuses at me. I wondered how I would direct him at all. So, that’s when I started abusing him back. I started swearing only because I had to direct Nana.”
‘Nana declared that he was too tired to continue’
He added, “There’s a scene in the film where Nana asks if he has tears in his eyes after his wife has died… We’d been shooting all day, and it was late in the evening. Nana declared that he was too tired to continue and that he was going home. I told him, ‘Sure, you pay for the overheads then’. He started swearing at me, I swore back, and in the scuffle, I tore his kurta. The cops on set said, ‘We’re here to protect you, and you’re fighting among yourselves’.”
Nana and Vidhu Vinod Chopra never worked again after Parinda. The film also starred Madhuri Dixit, Anil Kapoor and Jackie Shroff. The film won numerous awards and went on to become a milestone film in Indian Cinema.