Junaid Khan, who has made his acting debut in the Siddharth P Malhotra directorial ‘Maharaj‘, received positive feedback from viewers since its release on OTT platform. Recently, photos of Aamir Khan and Reena Dutta visiting Junaid on his first day of shooting are doing rounds on the internet.
In the pictures, Aamir Khan is seen hugging Junaid and is also seen interacting with the rest of the cast and crew of Maharaj.Siddharth also shared special memories with the crew. His post reads, ““Happy happy memories and fun times whilst making #maharaj #junaidkhan @shalzp @jaideepahlawat @sharvari #teammaharaj”. Further, Aamir is seen watching very closely the work and his son acting.
‘Maharaj’ has become a hit, ranking in the top 10 in 22 countries on OTT. The story is based on a real-life historic court case and uncovers the harsh truth about Babas who exploit women. Set 250 years ago, it follows a Vaishnavite leader who unites his community while abusing his power. This Baba uses his sisters and daughters for Charan seva, has physical relations with unmarried girls, and displays them in front of his devotees. Instead of opposing him, people feel blessed that their daughters were chosen for this service.
Karsandas Mulji, played by Junaid Khan, is a reformer and journalist who campaigns against this old tradition of service. When existing newspapers refused to publish his writings due to a lack of evidence against the Maharaj, Karsandas started printing his own newspaper.
The film ‘Maharaj’ is based on the book by Saurabh Shah, reflecting the incidents depicted in the movie. It highlights the hypocrisy of Jadunath Maharaj, who expresses his intentions by pressing the thumbs of the girls who greet him. This so-called tradition in the country victimizes and exploits women in the name of religion.
In the pictures, Aamir Khan is seen hugging Junaid and is also seen interacting with the rest of the cast and crew of Maharaj.Siddharth also shared special memories with the crew. His post reads, ““Happy happy memories and fun times whilst making #maharaj #junaidkhan @shalzp @jaideepahlawat @sharvari #teammaharaj”. Further, Aamir is seen watching very closely the work and his son acting.
‘Maharaj’ has become a hit, ranking in the top 10 in 22 countries on OTT. The story is based on a real-life historic court case and uncovers the harsh truth about Babas who exploit women. Set 250 years ago, it follows a Vaishnavite leader who unites his community while abusing his power. This Baba uses his sisters and daughters for Charan seva, has physical relations with unmarried girls, and displays them in front of his devotees. Instead of opposing him, people feel blessed that their daughters were chosen for this service.
Karsandas Mulji, played by Junaid Khan, is a reformer and journalist who campaigns against this old tradition of service. When existing newspapers refused to publish his writings due to a lack of evidence against the Maharaj, Karsandas started printing his own newspaper.
The film ‘Maharaj’ is based on the book by Saurabh Shah, reflecting the incidents depicted in the movie. It highlights the hypocrisy of Jadunath Maharaj, who expresses his intentions by pressing the thumbs of the girls who greet him. This so-called tradition in the country victimizes and exploits women in the name of religion.
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