In 2007, Aamir Khan made his directorial debut with ‘Taare Zameen Par‘, featuring Darsheel Safary as Ishaan, a talented boy struggling with dyslexia. The film was praised for its emotional depth and its ability to raise awareness about learning disabilities. Fast forward to today, and Aamir is preparing to release the sequel, ‘Sitaare Zameen Par‘, which he claims is “way ahead” of its predecessor.
In a recent interview with Hollywood Reporter India, Aamir Khan discussed the essence of ‘Sitaare Zameen Par’. He described it as a “beautiful story” that shifts the emotional tone from the previous film. While ‘Taare Zameen Par’ is known for its poignant narrative that often brings tears to viewers’ eyes, Khan explains that the new film takes a different approach: “Sitaare Zameen Par makes you laugh; it’s a humorous film”.
Both films share a common theme of exploring the lives of individuals facing various challenges and possessing different abilities. However, the sequel’s humorous angle sets it apart. Khan elaborated, stating, “In many ways, I feel it’s way ahead of ‘Taare Zameen Par’, because in ‘Taare Zameen Par’, the person who was with the challenge in the film, Ishaan, was helped by my character. In ‘Sitaare Zameen Par’, it’s the ten people with challenges; they help me, the supposedly normal person.”
‘Taare Zameen Par’ was not only commercially successful, but also received critical acclaim and won three National Film Awards for its sensitive portrayal of educational challenges faced by children . The success of ‘Taare Zameen Par’ set high expectations for its sequel.
Announced in October 2023, ‘Sitaare Zameen Par’ is directed by R.S. Prasanna, and features Aamir Khan alongside Darsheel Safary and Genelia Deshmukh in lead roles. The film is inspired by the 2018 Spanish movie ‘Champions’ and is set to be released on December 25, 2024.
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