On Tuesday Salman Khan took to X to share the promo for his upcoming collaboration, Old Money, with Punjabi rapper AP Dhillon. He wrote, “Old Money out on August 9.” The short clip opened with AP Dhillon and a friend rushing out as Salman stood near his car, lowkey annoyed after spotting the duo. Also read: Salman Khan, Sanjay Dutt to feature with AP Dhillon in Old Money, singer says ‘I know you didn’t see it coming’
Watch Salman and AP Dhillon’s promo
Seeing Salman, who was dressed in a brown shirt and black vest, AP appeared shocked. Salman asked him, “Kahan ja rahe ho (Where are you going)?” To which, a nervous AP responded, “Bhai aadhe ghante mein aa gaye bas (We will be back in half an hour, brother).”
Salman got even more annoyed and said, “Dekh lena mujhe pichli baar ki tarah wahan aana na pade (Make sure I don’t have to come there myself like last time).” Cut to AP being seen with a bloody scratch on his face and laughing out loud.
“This is going to blockbuster song,” tweeted a fan. Another reacted to the promo by sharing lots of fire emojis. An X user also wrote, “We are excited to watch this Salman bhai (brother).”
More about Old Money
Salman Khan and Sanjay Dutt, who have earlier worked together in films like Saajan and Chal Mere Bhai, will be seen in AP Dhillon’s Old Money. On Friday, the Brown Munde singer had taken to Instagram and dropped a teaser of their upcoming venture.
The text on the video read Old Money by AP Dhillon and asked, “Did you miss me?” Tagging Salman, Sanjay, and rapper-songwriter Shinda Kahlon on it, AP wrote, “I know you didn’t see this one coming…” The motion art video included pictures of Salman and Sanjay with AP Dhillon.
Check it out:
Expressing excitement about the collaboration, Salman gave a shout-out to AP Dhillon. “Singer toh tha he acha, ab AP as an actor (He was a singer, and now he is an actor too). Bring it on singing action star,” Salman wrote on Instagram Stories, hinting that AP may have explored acting with this project. Sanjay Dutt also teased the exciting collaboration by writing in the comments section of AP’s post, “Brothers.”
Last year, AP Dhillon dropped his docu-series AP Dhillon: First of a Kind that gave audience a glimpse into his journey. The project focused on how Amritpal Singh Dhillon, popularly known as AP Dhillon, migrated to Canada from Punjab and soon established himself as a well-known singer, despite the hurdles he faced.