Dilip Kumar had significant influence over casting decisions in his films. For the comedy ‘Ram Aur Shyam‘, producers suggested he pair with Saira Banu. However, he rejected the idea, believing she appeared too “delicate” for a role that needed a more “seductive appeal.”
In his autobiography, The Substance And The Shadow, Dilip Kumar revealed that Vyjayanthimala was initially considered for a role in Ram Aur Shyam, but she was dropped due to an “uncalled for tantrum.” As the film featured a double role for Dilip, it required two leading ladies. While Waheeda Rehman stepped in for Vyjayanthimala, the search for the second actress continued.
Producer Nagi Reddy recommended Saira Banu for a role in Ram Aur Shyam, highlighting her impressive recent performances and her natural comedic talent. He believed that pairing her with Dilip Kumar would attract audiences, given her flair for spirited comedy. However, Dilip had reservations, feeling that Saira’s “delicate and innocent” look didn’t align with the character’s need for a more “bold, buxom appearance.”Actor Mehmood had a different view and strongly advocated for Mumtaz to take on the role in Ram Aur Shyam. Despite having no prior experience working with either Saira or Mumtaz, Dilip Kumar trusted Mehmood’s enthusiasm. Mehmood was so passionate about his recommendation that he brought along tins of film reels showcasing Mumtaz’s talent. Ultimately, Mumtaz won the role, as Dilip recalled.
Saira Banu didn’t take Dilip Kumar’s decision lightly. He recalled that his refusal to cast her in Ram Aur Shyam was a turning point for her. Dilip noted, “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned,” indicating that Saira responded strongly to his decision, resulting in significant backlash for him in various forms.