Actor Ram Charan and wife Upasana Kamineni Konidela welcomed their daughter Klin Kaara Konidela on June 20 last year. Today, arguably one of the most popular star kids across India celebrates her 1st birthday. To commemorate the very special occasion Upasana shared a video montage of the moments running up to her delivery. Also featured, was the high point of the little one’s naming ceremony. As a matter of fact it was proud grandpa and Telugu superstar Chiranjeevi who announced her name to those in attendance. Though Klin Kaara’s face is yet to be revealed to the world, let’s take a look at some of her most wholesome moments surrounded by family.
“All of us are eagerly waiting to hold the little star” — this is how Chiranjeevi captured his excitement to meet his precious granddaughter. As a matter of fact, one of the first pictures Ram Charan and Upasana shared of Klin Kaara, was with Chiranjeevi. The veteran actor’s excitement to hold the little one can easily be seen through his beaming smile.
The next photo of Klin Kaara came during Upasana’s Varalakshmi Vratham, her first with her daughter in tow.
Her first big festival post birth was Ganesh Chaturthi where she was surrounded by most of the Konidela family.
Klin Kaara’s first trip, was to Tuscany in lieu of her uncle Varun Tej’s wedding to Lavanya Tripathi.
At the end of 2023, Upasana shared her Christmas phot dump which featured a plaid-clad Klin Kaara in a proud Ram Charan’s arms.
Sankranthi in January 2024 was a thorough family affair for Klin Kaara, also making for her first proper family picture.
The first time Klin Kaara made her way to the beach was during Ram Charan and Upasana’s Vizag trip in March this year.
Not too long back, on the occasion of Mother’s Day — Upasana’s first, she shared a beautiful shot of her cradling Klin Kaara as her mother Shobhana Kamineni looks on.
Following Pawan Kalyan’s stupendous feat in the General Elections, Upasana shared a picture of the superstar with the newest member of the family to congratulate him.
Finally, as Ram Charan and Upasana wrapped up 12 years of togetherness — their first with Klin Kaara in tow, this beautiful shot commemorated the occasion.
Highlights from Klin Kaara’s birthday montage
The video saw Ram Charan share how most around them were rather perplexed with the fact that despite having been married for 11 years, they were yet to have a baby in their lives. But “everything finds it’s own place in time, and this baby found it’s time then”, concluded the actor.
The montage also carried a few shots of fans of Chiranjeevi and Ram Charan celebrating Klin Kaara’s birth as a personal milestone. Referring to this Upasana said, “So many people will love this child unconditionally and I’m so grateful for it. It comes with so much true, good feelings from everyone. And I think that’s something so, so beautiful and I’m really thankful and grateful for it.”
The film industry wishes Klin Kaara as she turns 1
It goes without saying that the comments section of the video stands flooded with one celebrity wish after the next for the 1 year-old. Kiara Advani, who will soon feature with Ram Charan in Game Changer, wrote, “Happpy 1st Birthdayyy ❤️🧿🫶🎉🥳”. Rakul Preet Singh commented, “❤️❤️❤️Happppy birthdayyyy to the little star !! May she keep shining always”. Kajal Aggarwal added, “Happiest 1st birthday little wonder 😍❤️❤️”.
We wish Klin Kaara a very Happy Birthday!