Actor Nivin Pauly was among six booked by the Oonnukal police, near Kothamangalam, in Ernakulam rural for a variety of charges, including gang rape on Tuesday (September 3, 2024).
Mr. Pauly was named the sixth accused in the case. Shreya, film producer A.K. Sunil, Binu, Basheer and Kuttan were identified as the first five accused respectively. The third to fifth accused were reportedly the acquaintances of the first accused Shreya.
The survivor reportedly lodged a petition with the Special Investigation Team (SIT) probing the sexual harassment allegations raised against the figures associated with the Malayalam film industry in the wake of the Hema Committee report.
After the SIT recorded her statement, a report was submitted to the State Police Chief who reportedly directed the Rural Police to file a First Information Report. The police were tight-lipped about the details of the case and would only say that SIT has taken over the case.
The alleged offence took place in Dubai between November 1 and December 15, 2023. Reportedly, the first accused promised the survivor a caregiver’s job in Europe and when it didn’t materialise lured her with opportunity in the film industry.
The First Information Report was registered under IPC Sections IPC 354 (assaulting or using criminal force against a woman), 376D (gang rape), 354C (voyeurism), 450 (trespass), 342 (wrongful confinement), 376 (2)(n) (commits rape repeatedly on the same woman), 506 (criminal intimidation) and 34 (acts done by several persons in furtherance of common intention).