Panaji, The 55th edition of the prestigious International Film Festival of India will kick off on November 20 in Goa, with one of the key events being Oscar winning composer AR Rahman paying tribute to late Lata Mangeshkar as part of a ‘memorial talk” on the legendary singer. Giving details on Monday, Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant said IFFI will be inaugurated by Union Information and Broadcasting Ashwini Vaishnaw along with the latter’s colleague in the ministry L Murugan. “AR Rahman will pay tribute to Lata Mangeshkar as part of the ‘Lata Mangeshkar Memorial Talk. More than 270 films will be showcased during the festival at six venues in Panaji, Porvorim and Ponda. There will be more than 180 international films from 81 countries. The festival will see 15 world premieres, 40 Asian premieres and 106 Indian premieres,” Sawant told reporters. “Swatantrya Veer Savarkar will be opening film in the Feature film category. The masterclasses will be held from November 21-27,m 2024 with four sessions in a day at Kala Academy. Saavat, a Konkani film directed by Shivam Harmalkar and Santosh Shetkar, is the only Goan film selected in the non-feature film category of the Indian Panorama,” the CM added. Till Monday, 6507 persons have registered as delegates, including 4023 cine enthusiasts, 1288 students and 1190 film professionals, he said. “All the venues for this year’s IFFI will be inclusive with facilities and access for specially abled, For non-delegates, there will be open air screening at Miramar, Ravindra Bhavan Margao and Vagator ,” Sawant added. Festival organisers, speaking at the press conference, said the names of film personalities attending the festival would be announced on Tuesday. A strong list of 40-50 celebrities would be attending the inaugural event at Dr Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Stadium in Bambolim near Panaji, they added. The IFFI will be held from November 20 till 28.
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