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Best priceless words of Mahatma Gandhi | Qualities of Mahatma Gandhi and his Social Thoughts

by Arun Kumar
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Best priceless words of Mahatma Gandhi | Qualities of Mahatma Gandhi and his Social Thoughts
Best priceless words of Mahatma Gandhi | Qualities of Mahatma Gandhi and his Social Thoughts

Best priceless words of Mahatma Gandhi | Qualities of Mahatma Gandhi and his Social Thoughts

Gandhi’s life was very simple. In his biography ‘My Experiment with Truth’, he has given information related to his life. The whole life of Mahatma Gandhi is the source of most inspiration for us. Even today we are inspired by listening to Gandhiji’s thoughts and his stories. Gandhiji is the inspiration of the whole of India, following which life can be made meaningful. Gandhiji conquered the whole of India with the help of truth, non-violence and renunciation, that is why even today we lovingly call him as Bapu. Friends, today we are telling you about the best priceless words, qualities of Mahatma Gandhi on this page.

Best priceless words of Mahatma Gandhi

1. To be subject to evil is cowardice,

It is effortless to oppose him.

2. What difference does it make to the dead, orphans, and the homeless?

That this destruction is brought in the holy name of sovereignty or liberty or democracy.

3. I am ready to die, but there is no such reason,

For which I am ready to kill…

4. Anger and intolerance are the enemies of right understanding..

Capital is not bad in itself, it is bad in its wrong use.

There will always be a need for capital in some form or the other.

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6. Admitting one’s mistake is like sweeping

Which makes the surface of the surface shiny and clear…

7. Only happiness is the only perfume,

Whatever you sprinkle on others, some drops of it definitely fall on you too.

8. Believing is a virtue,

Disbelief is the mother of weakness.

9. An error cannot become a truth by reasoning,

Nor can a truth therefore become an error.

Because no one is watching him…

10. Those who save time,

They save money and the money saved is equal to the money earned…

11. Although you are in minority, but the truth is the truth..

12.Whoever wants to listen to his conscience,

He is within everyone..

13. The future depends on what you do today..

14. Use of Hindi in national practice,

It is necessary for the progress of the country.

15.Truth never hurts a cause which is just..

16. Happiness is found when what you think,

Be in harmony with what you say and do…

17. A firm believer in his purpose,

A subtle body can change the course of history…

18 There is no way to peace, only peace.

19. Faith should always be weighed by reason.

When faith turns blind, it dies…

20. All the religions of the world, though they differ in other things,

But everyone is unanimous on the point that nothing but the truth survives in the world…

There were three social formulas of the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi.

First – the help of a broom to remove social filth.

Second – Performing collective prayer by which the person unites leaving behind the restrictions of caste and religion.

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Third- The spinning wheel is a symbol of keeping the person self-reliant and united.

Qualities of Mahatma Gandhi

  • never give up and keep trying

  • The path to the goal is also as beautiful as the goal

  • You get peace from within, not from outside environment.

  • Forgiveness is a sign of strong people, not of weak people.

  • If you want to see change, first change yourself

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