Emergency is based on the life of former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, who was Rahul Gandhi’s grandmother.When asked about the possibility of Rahul Gandhi enjoying the film, Kangana initially kept a straight face before quipping, “Agar woh ghar jaakar Tom & Jerry dekhte honge toh unhe kaise samajh ayegi (If he watches Tom & Jerry at home, how will he understand my film?)”
In the teaser, Kangana also discussed why she chose such a subject for her first solo directorial project. She explained, “Aap kehte toh hain ki woh controversial hain lekin it is also best kept secret. Humare generation ke paas jo he, uske baare mein koi information nahi hain (Even though you say it’s controversial, it’s also a best-kept secret. Our generation lacks any information about it.)”
Kangana Ranaut’s Emergency Hits Snag: Co-Star Vishak Nair Targeted with Death Threats
Kangana has both directed and written Emergency, which also features Anupam Kher, Mahima Chaudhary, Milind Soman, Shreyas Talpade, Vishak Nair, and the late Satish Kaushik. The film is set to release in theaters on September 6.
Meanwhile, Kangana revealed that Emergency is still awaiting certification from the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC). “There have been rumours circulating that my film Emergency has been certified by the Censor Board. This is not true. While our film did receive clearance from the CBFC, the certification was on hold due to numerous death threats against members of the censor board. This has put pressure on us not to depict the assassination of Mrs. Indira Gandhi, Bhindrawale, and the Punjab riots in the film. This raises the question – what can we actually show in the film? That the film blacks out all of a sudden. This is an unbelievable time for me and I am very sorry for the state of things in this country,” she said in a video statement.