Rajiv Thakur, who was recently seen in the Netflix series ‘IC814: The Kandahar Hijack’, has long been a part of Kapil Sharma’s shows. Recently, Rajiv recounted one of his favourite experiences of working with the comedy group on several seasons of ‘The Great Indian Kapil Show’. He added that the first time he shared the stage with Shah Rukh Khan, he felt “completely numb.” Rajiv remembered that Kapil and Shah Rukh had actually planned to play a practical joke on him, one that would have taken him entirely by surprise.
During a conversation with Siddharth Kannan, Rajiv recalled the incident and shared “I have so much love for Shah Rukh so when he came on, I wasn’t scared but there is a thing… he is my idol. I was wondering if I will even remember my lines when I see him for the first time. I was told there is a special part for you so you can perform with Shah Rukh. I didn’t know that this would be later converted into a 20-minute section.”
Rajiv revealed that Kapil knew how much he loved Shah Rukh, so the two of them came up with a plan to play a practical joke on him. “Shah Rukh sir scolded me on stage and I was on the verge of tears. When I got to know what is happening, I got emotional. He showered so much love on me after that,” he recalled.
He was all praises for the superstar and further added, “I had a photo that I had gotten clicked in his pose. He took it and threw it on the floor (during the prank). Later, after the show, one of his people knocks my vanity and says ‘Shah Rukh sir has sent this for you’. He had a note written behind it saying, ‘You are brilliant, I am so sorry’. Who does that? Even I didn’t pick up my photo from the stage, but he did.”
The comedy show ‘The Great Indian Kapil Show’ will be returning on Netflix from September 21. Its teaser for Season 2 was released last week. It boasts a star-studded guest list, which includes Alia Bhatt, Karan Johar, Vedang Raina, Jr NTR, Janhvi Kapoor, Saif Ali Khan, cricketer Rohit Sharma, and the cast of The ‘Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives’.
During a conversation with Siddharth Kannan, Rajiv recalled the incident and shared “I have so much love for Shah Rukh so when he came on, I wasn’t scared but there is a thing… he is my idol. I was wondering if I will even remember my lines when I see him for the first time. I was told there is a special part for you so you can perform with Shah Rukh. I didn’t know that this would be later converted into a 20-minute section.”
Rajiv revealed that Kapil knew how much he loved Shah Rukh, so the two of them came up with a plan to play a practical joke on him. “Shah Rukh sir scolded me on stage and I was on the verge of tears. When I got to know what is happening, I got emotional. He showered so much love on me after that,” he recalled.
He was all praises for the superstar and further added, “I had a photo that I had gotten clicked in his pose. He took it and threw it on the floor (during the prank). Later, after the show, one of his people knocks my vanity and says ‘Shah Rukh sir has sent this for you’. He had a note written behind it saying, ‘You are brilliant, I am so sorry’. Who does that? Even I didn’t pick up my photo from the stage, but he did.”
The comedy show ‘The Great Indian Kapil Show’ will be returning on Netflix from September 21. Its teaser for Season 2 was released last week. It boasts a star-studded guest list, which includes Alia Bhatt, Karan Johar, Vedang Raina, Jr NTR, Janhvi Kapoor, Saif Ali Khan, cricketer Rohit Sharma, and the cast of The ‘Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives’.
The Great Indian Kapil Show Cast: Sunil Grover On Patch-Up, SRK-Salman Act, Archana On Kapil-Krushna