Actor Vikrant Massey was recently trolled online after pictures surfaced of him touching his wife Sheetal Thakur’s feet on Karwa Chauth. Though the gesture was appreciated by a few, Massey received derogatory comments from many on social media. The actor responded by defending his choice, arguing that his family has always held the strongest respect for various faiths and cultural practices, saying it’s an integral part of India’s holistic fabric.
During a conversation with journalist Shubhankar Mishra, Vikrant highlighted how his family has naturally embraced a blend of beliefs. His father, a devout Christian, has visited the Hindu pilgrimage site Vaishno Devi temple six times, while his mother practices Sikhism, and his brother Moeen converted to Islam at the age of 17. Despite their different beliefs, Vikrant shared that the family regularly celebrates various religious festivals together, including Diwali, Holi, and Eid, marking each occasion with shared traditions and food.
However, though so different, Vikrant confided that his family observes all religious festivals regularly. “We mark Diwali, Holi, and Eid as well. There is a phase in each of them which we commemorate with common traditions and food.”This is our Hindustan,” he exclaimed, driving home the oneness practiced in his family amidst diversity.
He elaborated on his commitment to secularism, saying, “We have a temple in our home and my son’s name is Vardaan. My brother performs Laxmi puja during Diwali and we share biryani on Eid.” According to Massey, this inter-relation and mutual respect is a sort of basic value in his family and represents the real spirit of India.
Now Vikrant is working on his next film, ‘The Sabarmati Report’, which speaks about the burning of the train at Godhra in 2002. This Friday, the film will hit the screens.
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