Yash Chopra’s ‘Darr’ which saw Shah Rukh Khan play an obsessive lover is remembered as one of his best characters. He made his ‘k..k..k..k..Kiran’ quite iconic and years after the film released, it’s still a part of the popular culture. It starred Juhi Chawla and Sunny Deol alongside Shah Rukh. But did you know that SRK was not the original choice for the movie? Yes, the film was first offered to Aamir Khan and that made Juhi Chawla quite happy. It’s also one of Juhi’s most loved roles and hence, recalling this film on her birthday today.
The actress was quoted saying by Hindustan Times a while ago, “When I heard that Yash ji was going to cast Aamir Khan for the role that Shah Rukh did, I was so happy, because you know I’ve worked with Aamir in our initial films and with him I’m so comfortable. Then I heard that Aamir is not doing it, then I think it went to Ajay Devgn and some other young heroes but they wouldn’t do it, then finally it was Shah Rukh. But I can’t tell you how special it was.”
Juhi had made her debut with Aamir in ‘Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak’.
She further added how eventually she even got comfortable with SRK as by the time ‘Darr’ started, they had already finished ‘Raju Ban Gaya Gentleman’. So, she called working with him on this film a great adventure.
For those not in the know, Shah Rukh and Sunny eventually had a big feud while working on the film during the shoot of the climax action sequence. They did not speak to each other for over 16 years. All seems well now between the two as fans were happy seeing them both together at the success bash of ‘Gadar 2’.