Home biography Biography of Swami Vivekananda

Biography of Swami Vivekananda

by Arun Kumar
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Biography of Swami Vivekananda
Biography of Swami Vivekananda

Biography of Swami Vivekananda

Many great men have taken birth in our country, Swami Vivekananda was one of these great men, who gave India a respectable place in the world. He brought laurels to India in a country like America. In the modern era, the youth of India are inspired by the ideas of many great men as ideals, because they are the guide and pride of the youth, one of them was Swami Vivekananda. We are telling you on this page about the great personality of Swami Vivekananda.

Biography of Swami Vivekananda

Swami Vivekananda’s childhood name was Narendra Nath. He was a very sharp and intelligent child since childhood. Vivekananda was born on 12 January 1863 in Calcutta. His father’s name was Vishwanath Dutt. Swami Shri Vivekananda’s father was a famous lawyer of the Calcutta High Court. Narendra, its mother’s name was Bhuvaneshwari Devi, she was a very gentle and religious woman. Most of his time was spent in the worship of Lord Shiva.

The name of Swami Vivekananda’s grandfather was Durgacharan Dutt. He was considered a well-known scholar and scholar of Persian and Sanskrit languages. He left his family at the age of 25 and later became a monk. Narendra was a mischievous and playful child along with being highly skilled and intelligent since childhood. There was a spiritual and religious atmosphere in the house, due to which Narendra’s mind was also got influenced by spirituality and religion. Narendra was a child of a very inquisitive nature since childhood, in his mind from childhood there was a curiosity to know God and to attain Him. At the age of 25, Narendra renounced the planet and became a monk.

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Education of Swami Vivekananda

In 1877, his entire family moved to Raipur. When his family returned to Calcutta in the year 1879, he was the only student at that time who had secured first class marks in the Presidency College entrance examination.

He used to read science, art, literature, religious books with great interest. Due to the spiritual and religious environment of his house, he was always interested in religious texts as well. He also got the knowledge of Vedas, Ramayana, Gita, Mahabharata etc. He was an avid reader of many subjects like philosophy, religion, history and social science.

Along with classical music, Swami Vivekananda was also interested in physical exercise and sports. Swamiji studied European history at the General Assembly Institution. In the year 1881, he passed the examination of Fine Arts and in the year 1884 got the degree of Arts. Swamiji translated Spencer’s book Education into Bengali, because he was greatly influenced by Herbert Spencer’s book.

Thoughts Regarding Education Of Swami Vivekananda

Swami Vivekananda had opposed the English education system propounded and prevalent by Macaulay, because he wanted such an education, which could lead to all-round development of the child. The aim of the child’s education is to make them self-reliant and make them stand on their feet. Swamiji wants to prepare for both worldly and transcendental life through education. Regarding education, he has said that ‘we need such education, by which character is formed, the strength of the mind increases, the intellect is developed and the person becomes self-supporting.’ Is .

Precious Thoughts of Swami Vivekananda

Every single thing said by Swami Vivekananda generates energy in us. He established the pride of India and Hindutva on the whole world in his short life. Swamiji used to spend every moment of his life in public service and used to inspire everyone to do the same. The priceless thoughts of great man Swami Vivekananda are as follows –

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1. All the powers of the universe are already ours, it is we who put their hands on their eyes and then weeps, how much darkness is there.

2. Just as the streams originating from different sources mix their water in the sea, similarly every path chosen by man, whether good or bad, leads to God.

3. Don’t judge anyone. If you can extend a helping hand, then do extend it, if you can’t, then fold your hands, bless your brothers, and let them go their way.

4. Truth can be told in a thousand ways, yet each one will be true.

Basic Principles of Swami Vivekananda’s Philosophy of Education

The basic principles of Swami Vivekananda’s philosophy of education are as follows:

1. Education should be such that the physical, mental and spiritual development of the child can take place.

2. Education should be such that the character of the child is formed, the mind is developed, the intellect is developed and the child becomes self-reliant.

3.Both boys and girls should be given equal education.

4. Religious education should not be given through books but through conduct and rituals.

5. In the curriculum, both temporal and transcendental subjects should be given place.

6. Education can be obtained in the Guru Griha.

7. The relationship between teacher and student should be as close as possible.

8. Education should be promoted and spread among the general public.

9. For the economic progress of the country, there should be a system of technical education.

10. Humanitarian and national education should start from the family itself.

Swami Vivekananda’s Chicago Speech

Swamiji participated in the World Conference of Religions in Chicago in 1883 and also gave a speech. Swami Vivekananda arrived in Chicago as the representative of India. He started the speech with the words sisters and brothers. From this address, people started applauding.

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All the people present there had listened very carefully to Swamiji’s speech. Swamiji had said in his speech that there is only one religion in the world, that is human religion. Ram, Krishna, Muhammad have also been preaching this religion. The purpose of religion is to give peace to water only. To achieve peace, hatred, hatred, discord are not the means, but love is. This is the message of Hinduism. One soul resides in everyone. Everyone was very impressed by this speech of Swamiji.

Cause of Death of Swami Vivekananda

Swami Vivekananda, who influenced the whole world with his knowledge, died on July 4, 1902. In the evening before his death, he did yoga for 3 hours in Belur Math and while going to his room at 7 o’clock in the evening, he asked no one to disturb him and at 9.10 in the night the news of his death was in the Math. It spread, but the monastic workers believe that Swamiji took Mahasamadhi. Whereas according to the medical report, Swami Vivekananda died due to bursting of nerves of the brain, thus Swami Vivekananda left this world at the age of only 39 years.

Here we told about Swami Vivekananda. On the basis of the information given by us, if you have any kind of question in your mind, or want to get any other information related to it, then you can ask through the comment box, we will give your feedback and suggestions. are waiting for

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