Home biography Swami Vivekananda’s Full Speech in Chicago

Swami Vivekananda’s Full Speech in Chicago

by Arun Kumar
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Swami Vivekananda's Full Speech in Chicago
Swami Vivekananda’s Full Speech in Chicago

Swami Vivekananda’s Full Speech in Chicago

Swami Vivekananda was a great man of India, who called for a return to the culture of India, influencing which millions of people feel proud of Indian culture. In the year 1893, he represented India in the Parliament of Religions in Chicago, USA and tried to unite the whole world. Swami Vivekananda started his speech 125 years ago with the words of ‘my American brothers and sisters’, at that time the auditorium kept reverberating with applause for many minutes, let us today on this page give his speech by Swami Vivekananda. Trying to understand talent, due to which he became world famous.

Swami Vivekananda’s Full Speech in Chicago

America’s sisters and brothers,

My heart is filled with immense joy at your warm and warm welcome. I thank you on behalf of the oldest saint tradition in the world. I thank you on behalf of the mother of all religions and express my gratitude to you on behalf of millions and crores of Hindus of all castes, sects. My thanks are also to some of those speakers, who said from this forum that the idea of ​​tolerance in the world has spread from the countries of the Far East. I am proud to belong to a religion that has taught the world the lessons of tolerance and universal acceptance. We do not only believe in universal tolerance, but we accept all the religions of the world as truth.

I am proud that I belong to a country which has given refuge to the troubled and persecuted people of all countries and religions of this earth. I am proud to say that we have in our hearts the sacred memories of the Israelites whose shrines were destroyed by Roman invaders to ruins. And then he took refuge in South India. I am proud that I belong to a religion which has given refuge to the great Zoroastrians and is still nurturing them. Brothers, I would like to recite to you a few lines from a shloka which I have memorized and repeated since childhood and which is repeated every day by crores of people, just as different rivers from different sources end up in the sea. Similarly, man chooses different paths according to his desire. They may look straight or crooked, but all go to God. The present conference which is one of the holiest assemblies till date is a testament to the principle laid down in the Gita, whosoever comes to me, whatever it may be, I reach him. Whatever path people choose, they end up reaching me.

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Communalism, bigotry and its terrible descendant fanaticism have been holding the earth in their clutches for a long time, they have filled the earth with violence, how many times this earth has turned red with blood, how many civilizations have been destroyed and do not know How many countries have been destroyed?

If it were not for these terrible monsters, then today human society would have been much more advanced, but now their time is over. I sincerely hope that the conch shell of this conference today will destroy all dogmas, all kinds of tribulation, whether by sword or by pen, and all ill-will among all men.

Here you will be told in detail about the speech given by Swami Vivekananda, after reading which you must have been emotional. If you want to get any more information related to this or you have any question, then you can ask us by typing your question in the comment box, we are waiting for your feedback and suggestions.

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